Digital Ambassadorship Pocket Guide

Shahzeb Kazmi
5 min readJul 24, 2021

The power of the internet is extraordinary.

It is the dimension where the human race lives now. The digital frontier. It is the hub for growth, learning, connection, and opportunities — everything a young, budding business or an organization needs.

Why am I boring you with the stuff you already know? I am setting the premise.

Like you, modern businesses and organizations also know that the internet can make and break their fortunes. However, if it were easy — every business would be in a state of growth right now.

This is where the role of Digital Ambassadors comes into place. We all like to make an impact right? For a digital ambassador, it comes with the job description. It is not uncommon now for big companies to form initiatives to recruit natural leaders and community icons as their digital ambassadors to champion their products. The likes of Google, Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Amazon, and several others do it now.

I know you are tingling on the bit to learn how to become one now, so I would not extend this further and jump right into the fundamentals of digital ambassadorship.

  1. Exist Loudly

This is key. For you to truly excel as a digital ambassador you need to have a loud voice — to be heard. I’m not referring to having a loud voice in an auditory sense but rather as an analogy of being expressive. Speaking your mind and logically backing up your beliefs. If you speak your mind and justify it — people will listen. They will be at peace that you are not a paid microphone but a real person with real opinions.

2) Be Original

Nobody wants a second Michelle Obama or a second Messi. Maybe the next Messi but not the exact same one. Why? Because if they can have the original one, why would they spend their time with an unoriginal one.

The same is the case for digital ambassadors. Pick a niche about which you truly care and think about in your free time. If you champion for things you believe in, half of your work is already done for you.

3) Be A Voice For Others

We all like to lead but not all of us are born leaders. That does not mean you cannot become one. You can become whatever you put your mind to. And there is nothing more rewarding than being a voice for a collective group of people. To advocate for others. To be a force of change.

Digital Ambassadors get to be a force of change for people in their community. Sometimes for communities around the world. But a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. The first person you need to be a voice for is yourself. Once you’ve mastered that, scale a bit and be a voice for others around you. Keep on scaling — it will work wonders.

4) Don’t Climb The Wrong Ladder

You must have heard this already — prefer smart work over hard work. I am a bit partial to it.

I believe both should coexist as, without one, the other is ineffective. Imagine you wish to get to a certain point on a wall by climbing a ladder. If you do not factor in smart work and place the ladder in a way that it takes you to your destination — your hard work of climbing it would be wasteful as you got nowhere near where you needed to be.

Plan your course of action intelligently and then execute the strategy. The best places to make an impact are LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and now even TikTok. Every platform takes a different approach to content creation so be mindful of that for maximum reach.

5) Forge Genuine Connections
If there is no trust, there is no thrust. I just came up with it. But in all seriousness — it is very accurate.

The entire phenomenon of digital ambassadorship rests on the shoulders of trust. If the people in your network do not trust you — you cannot champion any product. Provided any business even chooses you to be their ambassador.

So how do you do that? How do you build trust? By providing value for free.

If you consistently add value to other people’s lives and make them a better version of themselves — they will listen to you. Maybe even become ambassadors for you and recommend you to their friends.

You might be thinking, what makes me an expert?

I am no expert — I am simply recounting what I have learned after serving as a digital ambassador for multiple businesses and organizations.

I am currently an Ambassador for a few platforms I truly believe in. One of which is AssemblyF — which aims to democratize educational opportunities. It is an initiative that can very well go on to shape the future of tech and learning. So how could I resist being on the front lines for this one?

This is already a long enough read so I would conclude here to prevent cognitive overload.

If you are interested in more exclusive content to help you grow as a digital ambassador do join my Digital Ambassador Fellowship on AssemblyF.

  • Visit
  • It is an invite-only platform so please use this email “” when they ask who sent the invitation to you.
  • Once signed up, go to Channels, look for and join “Digital Ambassador Fellowship.” (There are several others you can join as well)
  • Then, maybe drop in a “Hello” with your introduction to the community!

Being a force of change and living loudly are key traits of being a good digital ambassador. With that, I will conclude this short piece and look forward to taking the conversation further to AssemblyF!

